More new beginnings

Just recently, whilst researching the descendants of Goodman John CLOSE (c1600-1653) of Fairfield, Connecticut, in connection with the Guild of One-Name Studies' March theme of 'New Beginnings', I came across evidence which sheds a fascinating light on the involvement of some of John's descendants in the American War of Independence (1775-1783). This was not only a new beginning in terms of American history, but also resulted in an enforced new beginning for some of John CLOSE's descendants. Revolutionary Soldiers Descendants of Goodman John CLOSE were involved in bringing about a major new beginning in American history: these included John's great-great grandson Odel CLOSE (1738-1812) of Horseneck (Greenwich, Connecticut) who served as a Lieutenant in the 9th Regiment, 4th Brigade of the Connecticut Militia, serving in support of General Washington against the British in from 1776 onwards. By 1779 he had been promoted to Captain in the Militia Regiment. He...