Remembering the fallen - 2
Further to my post of 5 August, I've just come across this listing for 19 CLOSE losses from the German side: Date Last name First name Place 22/10/1914 CLOSE Anton Rodt, Aachen 29/10/1914 CLOSE Heinrich Mützig, Kr. Molsheim 27/02/1915 CLOSE Heinrich Mutzig (vermutl.) 29/05/1915 CLOSE Clemens Faymonville, Malmedy 27/09/1915 CLOSE Josef Heppenbach, Malmedy 22/06/1916 CLOSE Johann Feymonville 20/12/1916 CLOSE Johann Recht, Malmedy 20/01/1917 CLOSE Josef Selbeck, Düsseldorf 09/07/1917 CLOSE Franz Recht, Malmedy 14/09/1917 CLOSE Johann Recht, Malmedy 27/10/1917 CLOSE Johann Faymouville 22/12/1917 CLOSE Michael Recht, Malmedy 11/06/1918 CLOSE Alexander Faymonville, Malmedy 15/07/1918 CLOSE ...